Jiaming Lai

Jiaming Lai

University of California, San Diego


I am a master student in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of California, San Diego. I am currently working in Translational Neuroengineering Lab(TNEL) at UCSD, supervised by Prof. Vikash Gilja. I received my BEng in Control Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2015.

My research interests focus on brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) and machine learning. By using signal processing and machine learning techniques, I develop tools to analyze brain neural signals e.g., neural spike trains, Electrocorticography (ECoG) and Electroencephalography (EEG). My goal is to develop neural prosthesis to resort the lost mobility in individuals paralyzed.


  • Brain-Machine Interface
  • Machine Learning
  • Signal Processing
  • Robotics


  • MS in Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Control, 2019 - Present

    University of California, San Diego

  • BEng in Control Science and Engineering, 2015 - 2019

    Zhejiang University


  • [pinned] I am applying for PhD program in Fall 2021.
  • [Jan, 2021] I start Teaching Assistant in ECE209: Statistical Learning for Biosignal Processing by Prof. Vikash Gilja.
  • [Sep, 2020] I start Teaching Assistant in ECE225A: Prob & Stats for Data Science by Prof. Alon Orlitsky.
  • [June, 2020] I start Summer Research Internship Program 2020 in UCSD.



KidSize Soccer Competition of RoboCup Humanoid League

ZJUDancer, a robot team in Zhejiang University

Transfer Learning for Decoding ECoG Signals

My research project in UCSD, supervised by Prof. Vikash Gilja and Dr. Tejaswy Pailla